Project Description


About the project

The summary of the project Social exclusion is a major social problem of our time, which has replaced the “old notions of” poverty and marginalization. Social inclusion is our right to be: useful, respected, accepted, equal.

The project theme deals with filming short movies by participants on the theme of how they perceive the social exclusion, poverty, homelessness, disability, membership of an ethnic minority, lack of adequate literacy skills, unemployment, family circumstances, addiction problems and similar issues connected to social exclusion, and raising the awareness of general public, government officials and European officials about the existing problem and provoking a solution not only from the officials but from each individual who would see a movie or hear about the problem from a friend.

The theme of the project grasps the notion of social inclusion- as not just about having access to mainstream services- but it is about PARTICIPATION in the community as active citizens.

Reducing the barriers to inclusion requires integrated effort across government and non-government agencies at all levels, horizontally and vertically, influencing policy and practice through direct links to individual experience.

The project aims:

-Increasing the general public knowledge about the extent and causes of poverty, marginalization; social exclusion via short creative movies;

-Making use of new tools and discovering new arenas in the efforts against poverty, marginalization; social exclusion;

-Offering youngsters the opportunity to make their voice heard and to express their view upon fighting social exclusion;

-To use filming short movies as a tool for active youth participation;

-Empower and motivate young people to use film and the new media (namely Internet) as a tool for communication The programme of the youth exchange will use various methodologies

– presentations of good practices from various countries, discussions and reflection workshops, simulation games, practical exercises, outdoor activities, practical workshops on the basics of creating short movies, writing a script, filming on location, acting, editing materials etc.

Year of existence