Project Description

European Youth Organization in Erasmus KA2 Project Improving tourism by Boosting Culture and Art (ITByCulture&Art)

European Youth Organization in Erasmus KA2 Project Improving tourism by Boosting Culture and Art (ITByCulture&Art)

The European Youth Organization (EOM) is pleased to announce the successful completion of participation in a project dedicated to the improvement of local tourism in rural and lesser-known destinations, which ended on October 30, 2023. Realized in cooperation with four partner organizations from Slovenia, Turkey, and the Netherlands, and under the leadership of a long-term partner, the Serbian Community in Germany (ZSD), this project represented a real journey through innovative approaches in tourism promotion.

The focus of the project was on research and development of methods and tools for the use of characterization for the purpose of tourism promotion. Through various activities, methods of studying the local context and creating characters that authentically represent each location were explored. Special emphasis was placed on the development of „theatrical performance“ elements, including specific ways of speaking, moving, expressing and humor that are adapted to each character.

One of the key results of the project is the creation of a mobile application with augmented reality (AR) functions, which allows visitors to take a virtual tour of locations with the narration of created characters. In addition to the application, a platform has been developed that contains the results and tools of the project, along with a detailed guide on how the principles of the project can be applied in different local settings.

The project also included five project-type meetings and joint training in Turkey, which further strengthened the ties between the partners and strengthened the skills of the participants. All this contributes to the long-term goal of the project – the revitalization of local communities through innovative tourism initiatives and the promotion of cultural heritage.

Thanks to this project, EOM has become a pioneer in the application of theatrical techniques and digital tools in order to promote tourism, setting new standards in the promotion of hidden gems of rural and lesser-known destinations.

Year of existence

Multiplier Events

Multiplier Event Germany
Multiplier Event Netherlands
Multiplier Event Serbia
Multiplier Events Slovenia
Multiplier Events Turkiye

Location Guides

ITbyCulture AR Location Germany
ITbyCulture AR Location Netherlands
ITbyCulture AR Location Serbia
ITbyCulture AR Location Slovenia
ITbyCulture AR Location Turkey

Meetings TPMs

Toolkit Description